Business Transformation

Achieving growth and maintaining quality whilst reducing cost requires the right approach.

Business transformation is tough and many companies fail in the attempt. Done correctly it is about aligning people, process and systems with the target operating model to generate increased value in line with the strategy and business plan.

The chance of success is increased when:

  • A target operating model is formulated that sets out required capabilities - equivalent to an architect's plan for a new building
  • All stakeholders are engaged and their expectations managed
  • A clear strategic vision is created and communicated to the people impacted, and their questions answered
  • Financial and non-financial benefits are planned, quantified and validated at the outset
  • Organisational design, key leadership roles, ownership, responsibilities and rewards are decided early
  • People are quickly informed how it will impact them personally - if they are at risk they will want to know - those not at risk want to know what is expected of them
  • Business cases are constructed for the projects making up the programme and feasibility proven before major investment
  • Issues are surfaced, tackled 'head-on' and presented as options
  • Business transformation activity is thoroughly planned, swiftly implemented and stability quickly established
  • Benefits are 'baked' into the budgets, KPIs and personal targets of the people responsible for realisation
  • Responsibility is handed over to business-as-usual ownership at the earliest opportunity.
  • Benefits

  • Full and effective use is made of the available resources and capabilities you have within your organisation
  • Meticulous planning means fewer surprises, rapid resolution of issues , management of risks and timely transformation
  • Suppliers are motivated to deliver what is specified and contracted, and avoid unnecessary cost and delay
  • Diversion of key people from their business-as-usual roles over a period of unusual and intense activity is minimised, so that attention is focused on realising the planned benefits from the transformation.
  • What we do

    We provide people with expert delivery ability and subject matter expertise. Our people are fully trained and bring with them proven frameworks, structures, development methods and tools to get you up and running quickly, and advancing at speed.

    Your key business managers are involved in sponsor, stakeholder and architect roles, giving them time to focus on decision-making and benefit realisation.

    We agree what is needed to transform and stabilise the operation - what has to be done differently, done new or stopped in respect of processes, systems and behaviour.

    We work with you and for you to establish the programme plan and organise the delivery projects, so you can complete the transformation speedily, and effectively.

    Projects are organised around key deliverables, not business functions, with multi-skilled teams and strong leadership.

    We organise, train, coach and mentor your people so they can plan and run projects and fully participate in the programme.

    Each project is scheduled to a 90-day deadline. If planning proves it cannot be accomplished within that elapsed time or can be completed sooner, we agree the schedule with you.

    Verdandi can manage the entire transformation for you or just be engaged to organise and plan the programme for the first 90 days.

    We can helpyou in any or all of the necessary activities such as:

  • Formulating your new target operating model
  • Create your strategic vision
  • Forming your business change plan
  • Building your benefit plan.
  • We act in a supplier-independent capacity to:

  • Help you select appropriate internal or external suppliers
  • Specify and contract for their services
  • Monitor performance
  • Expedite their activities through to delivery.
  • We add value from the day we start to the day we finish.

    What our clients say…

    "In scope it was the largest UK financial services programme ever undertaken … I realised that we had reached a crisis of confidence amongst the Bank's most senior management. When Verdandi described the methodology it promised to provide answers to the problems I faced. It took three months, with Verdandi's help, to re-plan the programme, train key staff, and institute the new working practices the methodology entails. The effect on the programme's fortunes over the following year was dramatic. From being regarded as something of a lame duck we became a reference point for good project management. Based on our example of its use, the Bank adopted the methodology as its standard."
    Assistant to the Chief Executive, UK Banking Group

    Please contact us at Verdandi to obtain further information.

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