Competency Assessment

Success follows when you have capable people with the right attitude and required competencies.

The cost of recruiting, developing and exiting people is ever growing. Getting it wrong with project people is not just about the employment costs, its also the implications of the project they are running not delivering successfully and the value of the lost benefits.

At Verdandi, we guarantee the quality of the resources we provide and cannot afford to get this wrong.

We use a proven assessment process, built specifically for us by occupational psychologists, to evidence the needed qualities and core competencies. Then we test and prove the claimed abilities.

We can share this same process with you.


  • Talented, able and high-performing people in professional roles
  • Reduced risk of mis-selection.
  • What we do

    We provide resources, processes and tools, and blend them with any of your criteria to create a tailored assessment centre.

    We help you prepare your external recruitment specification, draft an advertisement and screen applicants against it.

    We work with you to assess internal candidates, and select your potential 'high-flyers' for professional development.

    We take your selected candidates through a demanding, four stage assessment process:

  • Interview by skilled practitioners, evidencing core competencies, experience and achievements
  • Psychometric profiling and ability testing facilitated by a mindset & behaviour specialist
  • Role play in a simulated and demanding project environment to test attitude and behavior
  • Final interview and feedback, with the opportunity for the candidate to comment on the process and findings.
  • We leave you with a summary profile for each candidate to support your final decision.

    Please contact us at Verdandi to obtain further information.

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